Introduction to our new intern, Aliyah Collins
Hello Open Spirit Community! My name is Aliyah Collins, and I will be serving as a Field Education Intern at Open Semester for the year!...
The Graveyard of Empires by Eilaf Farajalla
If you are American, politics is something you are advised to abstain from at fancy dinners and polite exchanges with strangers. If you...

How "Not" to Meditate by Eilaf Farajalla
It’s amazing how little I know about meditation. You would think that getting an early start would be advantageous in some way. The...

Eid, Alone, Again by Eilaf Farajalla
It’s hard to celebrate when there is no one to celebrate with. As we enter the second year of uncertainty and as the pandemic rages on,...

The Fourth of July by Eilaf Farajalla
I held my nephew’s little hand in mine as his little mouth dropped open in wonder of all the colors splashed across the sky. This was his...
The Summer Solstice by Eilaf Farajalla
I huffed and puffed my way through the yoga class. This was supposed to be easy, I thought to myself. It had started off easy but it sure...
From the Outside In: Qi Gong for the First Time with Kathleen Sakovitz
By Eilaf Abdulrahman Farajalla I stared at the screen and sounded out the words. I felt silly. A quick Internet search later and I...

Hi, My name is Eilaf. I'm Open Spirit's summer intern.
Hi. My name is Eilaf and I am your summer intern. I am a first year Master’s of Theological Studies student at Harvard Divinity School...

Dreaming Together: The People's Inauguration
On Sunday evening, I attended a Zoom event at which we were invited to reflect on hopes and dreams. We shared our hopes for our...