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The Multi-Faith Collaborative


Welcome mosaic,multifaith
The Multi-Faith Collaborative brings people from diverse spiritual and cultural traditions together to build bridges of understanding, appreciation, and friendship.
Our offerings have included:
  • Celebrations of holidays from our different faith traditions, including periodic Shabbat dinners, Passover Seders, an annual Iftar (the Muslim fast-breaking during the season of Ramadan) and more. The celebrations are open to people of all faiths and people who do not identify with a faith tradition, and are opportunities to learn and build community in a joyous setting.
  • A monthly interfaith book club and periodic special book discussions.
  • Multi-faith prayer, meditation and music gatherings in times of community crisis.
  • Comparative scripture studies on themes such as loving kindness and creation.
  • A monthly gathering called "Common Ground," which facilitates dialogue between people who identify with a faith tradition and those who identify as secular humanists, agnostics or atheists.
  • A "Spiritual and Healing" panel discussion series, reflecting on healing in different  spiritual traditions. 
Our special programs include:
Learn more about the Multi-Faith's Collaborative's special programs

World Interfaith Harmony Week Celebration

World Religions Day Celebration at Open Spirit

Multi-Faith Collaborative Planning Committee:


Rabbinic Pastor Matia Angelou

Rev. Dr. Fran Bogle

George Burton

Father Carl Chudy

Rev. Dr. Debbie Clark

Neela de Zoysa

Fran Graveson

Layli Maparyan, Ph.D

Dennis Pearne, Ed.D

Abba Zaidi

Fatema Zaidi

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