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Click on an image to donate directly to that fund.

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Open Spirit matters.
In a time marked by isolation, Open Spirit creates community.
In a time of pandemic, Open Spirit enable healing and wholeness.
In a time of division, Open Spirit builds understanding.
In a time of fear, Open Spirit inspires courage.
Open Spirit matters.
Your gift to Open Spirit matters!


We are grateful for your support on many levels – your participation, your ideas, your commitment, and your financial contributions.  Open Spirit is sustained by your generosity and the generosity of our grant donors!  

Please consider making a gift to Open Spirit.  We need gifts of all sizes:  $4000, $1000, $500, $100, $50, $15.  When we put all of our gifts together, they are multiplied many times over.

If you would like to donate by check, mail to
Open Spirit, 39 Edwards Street, Framingham, MA 01701.

Thank you for your generosity and for being part of the Open Spirit community!


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