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Inspiring Courage Speaker Series:
Stories of Passion & Compassion
Join us as we listen to local community members share their stories about how their work is driven by their faith and passion.
Upcoming events:
June 9, 2019 3:00pm-5:00pm
A Conversation with Diego Low - Workers Advocate
Join us for our final event in this Inspiring Courage series. We will hear from Diego Low, director of the MetroWest Worker Center in Framingham. As an advocate for worker and immigrant rights, he has been a guiding force behind the efforts of MetroWest Immigrant Solidarity Network to support local immigrants and asylum seekers, including families who were separated at the border. Diego is a member of the Framingham Friends Meeting (Quaker) and he will reflect on how his faith practices inspire his work.
Located in Edwards Hall
Suggested donation: $15 to support Open Spirit
Past events:
Sylvia Ruth Gutmann - Holocaust Survivor and Author
Sylvia shared her courageous story about overcoming the tragedy of her childhood and finding an identity that was lost, leading to a life of advocacy and educating. To purchase Sylvia's book: A Life Rebuilt: The Remarkable Transformation of a War Orphan .
Rashin Fahandej - Artist/Film Maker
Rashin shared her story of her faith and art which centers on personal histories, marginalized voices, and the role of media, technology and public collaboration in generating social change.
A Father's Lullaby considers the absence of fathers in communities of color as a direct result of mass incarceration, its life-long impact on children and its weight on women and lower-income families.
Please read a blog post from Fran Graveson, Open Spirit intern, reflecting on this event.
Joti Royster - Buddhist Meditation Teacher
In this time when we are aware of so much discord and violence, it is a huge challenge to find a sense of peace and equilibrium while working for change and to heal our world. Joti Royster, a Buddhist Lay Renunciate who lives at the Temple Forest Monestary in New Hampshire, lead us in reflections on how to find that balance. Our conversation focused on peace and joyful living through radical action of change from within.
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