Weekend of Spirit 2020
Transforming Our Lives:
Release, Evolve, Create
We hope you will join us for a unique Weekend of Spirit via Zoom!
Friday, October 23th 7:00pm Virtual Art Show and Discussion
Join us for a virtual art show and discussion featuring original collections by Patrick St. Pierre and Samela St. Pierre. Stream on Facebook Live via our Facebook page or via Zoom. Click to join. Password: open
"Together Alone"
"Quarantine and this era of social distancing has been a time of panic, spiritual awakening and peaceful reflection: a time of isolation and loneliness as well as being too close to people for too long and having no way out. Sometimes I feel like I have finally found myself, and other times I feel completely and utterly lost. I’ve felt whole heartedly loved, and absolutely trapped. Together Alone is a body of artwork and poetry that expresses one man’s changes and experience of this once in a lifetime world shift, the pandemic. I’ve pulled out and deconstructed some moments so that you may see we are (together) in this uncertainty. You are (not) alone." - Patrick St. Pierre
Patrick St. Pierre (AKA Daydream) is an artist and live broadcaster, living in San Diego California. He illustrates using a variety of mediums including oils, watercolor, acrylic, ink and digital paint. His fine art work consists of portraits, figures and some fantastical ideas. He runs a streaming show on twitch.tv/daydreamboy where he plays video games with his community - The Dreamers. Patrick finds inspiration and peace through yoga and meditation, marathon training, cooking, surfing, swimming with his dog Lucy, all with his art partner and wife, Samela St. Pierre. Patrick starts every morning with a cup of green tea. If you pour yourself a cup at 8am, you and he are sharing that moment together. cheers.
For Together Alone, in watercolor and ink, Samela explores themes of isolation. Societal, cultural and personal. The kind of underlying loneliness that perhaps has always existed in our modern existences, but has been amplified to deafening volume during this Coronavirus shut down. Each environment tells a story of a human, their tendencies, coping mechanisms, aesthetic preferences and priorities, without displaying the body itself. Leaving the viewer to fill in what that person might look like to them. And so a voyeuresque search through the subject's habitat ensues to try and figure out the person who lives there, and find some sort of connection through their material accumulations.
Samela St. Pierre is an artist and activist living on Kumeyaay land in San Diego, CA. She’s an illustrator of children’s books for indie authors and publishers and has worked on an array of projects from a walking labyrinth in the forests of Massachusetts to a wall mural in a martial arts studio in New York. Her most meaningful work is with and in service to the immigrant and refugee communities. She works closely with the children at the US-Mexico border in Tijuana, by bringing food, supplies, art projects, yoga and other forms of expression to the shelters.
Saturday, October 24th 10am - 3:00pm Workshop Day
Sign up today to join us for our workshop day featuring a selection of workshops such as mindful anti-racism, Qi-gong/tai chi, meditation, and much more.
Cost is $30 (register by October 17th for a $5 discount!)
Full descriptions below
10:00am Keynote address
The Earth is Our Sanctuary: Making Our World Breathable
Guest speaker Dr. Liseli Fitzpatrick
The ravages of racism and a sweeping pathogenic pandemic have synced to make our world unbreathable. Dr. Liseli Fitzpatrick invites us to reflect on ways we can cultivate a breathable world through sacred wisdom and eco-centered practice.
Dr. Liseli Fitzpatrick, a Visiting Professor at Wellesley College, is a Trinidadian-scholar in the field of African Diasporic cosmologies and sacred ontologies. In May 2018, Fitzpatrick made history as the first Ph.D. in the Department of African American and African Studies (AAAS) at The Ohio State University (OSU).
Fitzpatrick is passionate about cultivating sacred consciousness, not limited to religiosity, and is a cultural enthusiast at heart. Her penchant for spirituality paired with her altruistic spirit informs her life path and dedication to humanity. Spirituality, family, altruism and culture are, therefore, positioned at the epicenter of her existence. Her love for her home-country Trinidad and Tobago is evident through her frequent travels and involvement in national and cultural events. Music, water expanses and art enliven her spirit.
11:00am Morning workshop selection
The History and Restorative Practice of Hand-Knitting
Led by Nancy Gaulin, Psy.D., MBA
We will come together, with our current knitting projects, to learn about hand knitting in the context of fiber arts. We will connect the history from necessity (clothes making for warmth) to craft (expression of creativity for entertainment, restorative practice and warmth). We will work on our projects and share with each other stories about the importance of knitting in our lives. Nancy will be assisted by Helen Berman.
Nancy learned to knit from her oldest step-sister and paternal grandmother when she was in elementary school. That was over 50 years ago. Since then she has used knitting, crocheting, tatting, sewing, needlework and weaving as a way to relax from the pressures of life. When she is not working on a fiber arts craft project, Nancy raises chickens, gardens, cooks and helps her husband who is a beekeeper. Nancy is a licensed psychologist and has a private practice on the grounds of Open Spirit.
Helen Berman is grateful to have been part of the Open Spirit community for seven years. She co-facilitates the Prayer Shawl Group which meets once a month at Open Spirit. "I love my family, cooking for people I love, taking pictures, feeding the birds, knitting and walks in nature. I’m sustained by yoga, meditation and most of all community which is so important in this time of pandemic."
Qi-gong/Tai Chi
Led by Kathleen Sakovitz
Come experience this ancient form of energy medicine. As practiced in ancient China for centuries, we will use movement, stretches and slow deep breathing as we increase Qi (chi) life-force internal energy flow, unblock and balance Qi, connecting mind, body and spirit. You may experience a special group energy. Attendees may want to have a chair nearby, ideally without arms, and a water bottle. Wear comfortable loose clothing. No yoga mat is needed.
Kathleen has continued to study, practice and teach qi gong, tai chi, and tai chi fan over the past 20 years. Prior to that she studied Chinese Martial Arts and achieved the status of to black belt. She writes, "I am grateful and love to share the energy healing, disciplines, movements which have helped me in my life, and healing." She has danced, performed taught in ballroom dance over 30 years.
Writing Recipes of Love in the Time of Covid
Led by Rev. Dr. Fran Bogle
Join Fran and Jeannie the Dog for a workshop that invites us use our favorite recipes and family stories as ways to share hope and love during this time of distance from our families and the wider community.
The Rev. Dr. Fran Bogle is long time chaplain and coordinator of the Just Peace Players Liturgical
Drama Troupe. Fran loves writing, laughing, traveling, playing with pets of all kinds and working for justice.
12:00pm-1:00pm Break for Lunch
During lunchtime relax, take a walk, or decorate your quilt square and enjoy some music from the Willie Sordillo ensemble, courtesy of the Old South Jazz Coffeehouse.
Since this year we can not provide our annual soup lunch, we hope you will enjoy making a classic recipe of ours. Please click for soup recipes from previous Weekend of Spirit luncheons.
1:00pm Afternoon Workshop Selection
Mindful Anti-Racism: A Call for Social Justice
Led by Dr. Danielle Rousseau
This workshop will take a mindful approach to anti-racism work. Exploration of systemic injustice will be rooted in breath and mindful movement. Participants will explore how disparity and injustice are rooted in systems and learn why it is important to recognize the impact of trauma in exploring systemic injustice. Participants will focus on resilience building in addressing injustice and racism.
Danielle Rousseau is an Assistant Professor at Boston University. She is a licensed therapist and certified yoga teacher. Dr. Rousseau’s professional focus has been in trauma service and gender advocacy. She is a scholar activist and justice educator. Dr. Rousseau worked in the field of forensic mental health as a therapist in correctional facilities and served communities doing crisis response and victim advocacy. Her research, teaching and practice focus on justice, trauma, gender, mental health, mindfulness, inclusivity and resilience. She is an advocate of integrative, holistic approaches that support embodied self-care. Dr. Rousseau has received multiple grants including a grant to develop, implement and evaluate an opioid specific yoga curriculum. Her work is published in many academic books and journals. She is the editor of Yoga and Resilience: Empowering Practices for Survivors of Sexual Trauma. Dr. Rousseau is a sought-after national speaker and trainer and has developed a diverse range of curricula and training
Meditation: The 3 Gateways
Led by Katherine McClean
Our subtle energy bodies have 3 Gateways for accessing the deeper truths of who we really are.
Here we'll experience the gifts of 3 these centers. The peace and stability we gain will give us the inner support needed to face these uncertain times.
Katherine has been teaching yoga and meditation for over 20 years and has practiced the art of meditation much longer. "Because meditation has been such a supportive and transformational practice for me," she writes, "I'm passionate about sharing it with others." In addition, Katherine is a licensed nutritionist and certified personal trainer. She offers private supportive sessions which include comprehensive evaluations and tailored strategies to support diet and fitness goals. Having graduated from the School of Conscious Healing she provides transformational counseling sessions and facilitates energetic healings.
Fake it Until You Make it: Exploring Humor Through Yoga
Led by Donna Warren
A laughter yoga leader’s tips on maintaining a bit of humor and the wonderful release of laughter. You will need a mat or a chair for this workshop as we explore some laughter yoga and breathing techniques. There will be some very gentle movement thrown in as we do some laughing drills. This workshop is designed to help us find laughter and joy in stressful times. Come experience a truly fun time as we try to look on the bright side of life! If you have any funny props or masks you would like to wear, any bit of humor will be encouraged! In order to make this fun, we need a few brave souls willing to keep their camera on during this workshop.
Donna Warren has been teaching yoga for 15 years. She taught many different forms of exercise, until a mountain bike accident led her to yoga. That, in turn, led to deeper practice and to teaching. Donna blends elements learned through her kundalini and hatha yoga trainings in her classes. She also works with healing crystals, leads meditation, and does Shamballa Reiki. Her dedication to laughing led her to be certified as a laughter yoga leader as well. She brings a bit of that training into everything she does!
2:00pm Closing
"Reveling in Transformation" Group Meditation Led by
Rev. Dr. Debbie Clark​
Dial-in audio only is not available for our workshops. A computer, tablet or smartphone is needed to participate.